Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy Term of Use Cookie Policy
Privacy Policy

Jinbo Pharma respects your privacy and cares about the way in which your personal information is treated. Jinbo Pharma is the controller and responsible for this website.

Our Data Privacy Manager
We have appointed a data privacy manager who is responsible for overseeing questions in relation to this privacy policy. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, including any requests to exercise your legal rights, please contact us regarding our data privacy using the details set out below:


Postal address:Floor 20, Building A, Yuanyang International Center, Beijing, 100025, China.
Summary content
This privacy policy describes:
What personal information do we collect about you
We may collect personal information from you in the course of our business, including when you engage our services, when you contact or request information from us or through your use of our website.

Personal information means any information about an individual from which that person can be identified. This information does not include data where the identity of the person has been removed (anonymous data).

The personal information that we collect, use, process, store and transfer, includes:
How is your personal information being collected
How we use your personal information
We use the personal information about you that we collect, including through your use of our website and in the provision of services by us, in a number of ways:
Use of our website
Our website includes facilities which invite you to provide us with personal information, such as our email queries facilities. The purpose of these facilities is apparent at the point that you provide your personal information and we only use that information for those purposes.
We use a customer relationship management (CRM) tool to assess the strength of the relationship between individuals in Jinbo Pharma and our clients or potential clients based on the frequency of email contact between them. We use that information in order to analyze, assess and improve the services that we provide.

We use personal information to understand whether you read the emails and other materials, such as business related publications that we send to you, click on the links to the information that we include in them and whether and how you visit our website after you click on that link (immediately and on future visits). We do this by using software that places a cookie on your device which tracks this activity and records it against your email address.

If you receive marketing communications from us and no longer wish to do so, you may unsubscribe at any time by emailing us here.
Meetings and events
We will collect and process personal information about you in relation to your attendance at our offices or at an event (such as a conference or seminar) organized by Jinbo Pharma or its business partners. We may share your personal information with IT and other service providers or business partners involved in organizing or hosting the relevant event.

We will only use and process special categories of personal information about your dietary or access requirements in order to cater for your needs and to meet any other legal or regulatory obligations we may have.
Our services
We collect, use, process and retain personal information in the course of and in connection with the services we provide to our clients. We will process identification and background information as part of our business acceptance (including anti-money laundering, conflict, reputational and financial checks), finance, administration and marketing processes.

We will also process personal information provided to us by or on behalf of our clients for the purposes of the work we do for them.  The information may be disclosed to third parties to the extent reasonably necessary in connection with that work.
The basis on which we use your personal information
We use your personal information on the following bases:
Who we share your personal information with
We are an international biotechnology company and any information that you provide to us may be shared with and processed by any entity in our internal network. We may also share your personal information with certain trusted third parties in accordance with contractual arrangements in place with them, including:

If we are required to disclose your personal information to comply with legal or regulatory requirements, we will use reasonable endeavors to notify you before we do this, unless we are legally restricted from doing so.

If in the future we re-organize or transfer all or part of our business, we may need to transfer your personal information to new Jinbo Pharma entities or to third parties through which the business of Jinbo Pharma will be carried out.

Jinbo Pharma may use social media sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Wechat, Weibo. If you use these services, you should review their privacy policy for more information on how they deal with your personal information.

We do not sell or otherwise make personal information commercially available to any third party, except with your prior consent.
How we protect your personal information
We have put in place appropriate security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration or destruction. We also limit access to your personal information to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal information on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

We have put in place procedures to deal with any suspected personal information breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach where we are legally required to do so.
International transfers of your personal information
In order to provide our services, we may need to transfer your personal information to locations outside the jurisdiction in which you provide it or where you are viewing this website for the purposes set out in this privacy policy. We may transfer your personal information from a location within China area to outside the EEA, or from outside the China area to a location within the China area.

The level protection of personal information in countries outside China may be less than that offered within China. Where this is the case, we will implement appropriate measures to ensure that your personal information remains protected and secure in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

We have put in place EU standard contractual clauses between all Jinbo Pharma entities that share and process personal information. Where our third-party service providers process personal information outside the EEA in the course of providing services to us, our written agreement with them will include appropriate standard contractual clauses.
How long we keep your personal information
We will only retain your personal information for as long as necessary taking into account the requirements of applicable data protection laws and the purpose for which the personal information is collected and used, including for the purposes of satisfying legal, accounting and regulatory requirements to retain the information for a minimum period, good practice and Jinbo Pharma ’s business purposes.
Your legal rights
The Chinese General Data Protection Regulation and other applicable data protection laws provide certain rights for data subjects.
Your objection (or withdrawal of any previously given consent) could mean that we are unable to perform the actions necessary to achieve the purposes set out above or that you may not be able to make use of the services offered by us.

Even after you have chosen to withdraw your consent we may be able to continue to process your personal information to the extent required or otherwise permitted by law, in particular in connection with meeting our legal and regulatory obligations.